eich... sem despedida de solteiro num me caso...

1 week ago

HAHAHAHAA! They have been forcing women, even girls to marry old nasty men all over the world, I think this is poetic justice!

1 week ago
@haris1254 U r right dude, I m Indian but not culturally and this shit happens here. The good thing about in this incident is they r from same cast i think, so people force them to marry each other, otherwise if they r not from same cast and get caught dating each other, there parents will definitely kill both boy and girl. Fuckin stupid STONEAGE culture. By the way ur name "HARISH" is an indian name, where u from dude?

I understand how u can feel bad for the guy, but people in villages are very loyal to eachother. This video said this guy was going out with this girl for ten years, he probably promised to marry her, but then ditched her, you dont do that. These friends of the girl felt bad and I'm sure this guy did something wrong. Marriage is taken very seriously in India, it isnt a joke

agora a sério, apesar de risda isto é assunto sério:

mas que pensar???


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