everything means nothing to me

"i picked up the song and found my picture
in the paper
the reflection in the water shouted
"are your men still
trying to salute
people from a time when he was
everything he's supposed to be?"

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me


everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

8 comentários:

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me
everything means nothing to me

Tabaleao disse...

afinal nós somos doidos

Enviar um comentário


a tasca . a natureza do mal . little black spot . sofrível ridículo . e deus criou a mulher . the sartorialist . menina limão . mariana, a miserável . pescada número cinco . sombras errantes . espiral medula . theoria poiesis praxis . a causa foi modificada . corpo dormente . o piston é a cabeça do homem . cinema xunga . royale with cheese . cine clube viseu . atum bisnaga . sardinha niska . french kissin' . charutos cubanos . if charlie parker was a gunslinger, there'd be a whole lot of dead copycats . post secret . learn something every day . the perry bible fellowship

| fora de prazo. amo-te benfica